Applixure release notes for 2023/H2

Following new features, enhancements, and significant changes have been introduced into Applixure products in this half of the ongoing year:


Applixure Analytics

Administrators can now disable two-factor authentication for users

We have added a capability for user accounts having Account administrator or Environment administrator -permissions to disable two-factor (2FA) authentication for user accounts owned by Applixure Account or Applixure Environment, respectively.

A button for turning off 2FA can be found in the action button row for each individual user account in the user accounts management screen in Analytics Settings:


This makes it more straightforward to re-establish 2FA for Applixure users who have their phones replaced without a proper backup of the authenticator application, as now removing 2FA can be done as a self-service by an organisation managing those Applixure user accounts and does not require contacting Applixure support anymore.

Please note that while user accounts having user management permissions for Account or Environment can otherwise manage user accounts for entities they have those permissions for, the ability to disable 2FA requires full administrator rights for security purposes.


Devices export (CSV/XLSX) now includes IP addresses

If Applixure Environment has connectivity information and IP addresses reporting (Windows Agents only) enabled in the environment settings, CSV and XLSX export files generated from the devices listing screen now list any detected IP addresses in it.


Mac Agents now track high-memory usage

We have introduced a high-memory usage detection to our Mac users. It works the same as with the Windows Agents - taking into account differences in macOS's (process) memory model compared to how memory is used on Windows - and shows high-memory usage instances in device issue history if any are detected.

In more detail, high-memory usage in Applixure Analytics context means that the overall physical (RAM) memory used in a system (for both processes and OS itself) is close to the total amount of memory installed on the device. Typically, this starts to create a load on the paging (i.e. swapping) mechanism as the OS has to make room for additional programs being run and existing ones needing to process data, resulting in potential slowing down of the system.


Applixure Workflow

Refreshed user interface and experience

Workflow has had its first major UI and UX update since the launch of the product.

Individual work item's display has been updated visually and all assets view is now more manageable to read if multiple environments with multiple devices are listed for a work item.


The administration and board settings section has been completely revised visually and made easier to understand. We have also added number of inline help "bubbles" for various sections of the admin UI that give brief description of the purpose of that setting, and for some functionality provide hyperlinks to our Workflow documentation ( describing the said functionality in more details.


Most significant changes has been done to rules editing based on the feedback; now agent data filter construction can be done using a new visual rule editor, that allows creation of more complex filters, including having multiple AND and OR sub-blocks (i.e. collection of statements within parenthesis).


In the editor, changes to an existing filter statement is also possible to do so that the comparison operator or comparison values can be adjusted later on. Of course, manual editing of the raw filtering string is still possible.


When creating a new rule, it is also now possible to pick up any of the sample rules as a basis for your new rule, even if you have already added a set of sample rules to your board containing that rule.


Copy/clone functionality for rules

In addition to basing a new rule on a sample rule, it is now possible to create a new rule based on an existing rule. Clicking on the copy button next to the rule delete button opens up a new rule editor with pre-filled contents of the existing rule.



Applixure Feedback

Developer documentation available for Feedback API

We have updated our Applixure developers site with full documentation for Feedback API for programmatic access to Feedback reporting data as well as to Feedback environment administration capabilities. This includes interactive endpoint documentation and API specification documentation in OAS3 format.

As the access to the Feedback API utilizes Applixure's OAuth2-compliant Authorization Server (AAS) infrastructure, updated developer documentation also details the use of AAS for generating access tokens.


Feedback API keys can now be managed through the web interface

An API access management section has been added to the Feedback Web UI's administration page. This section includes functionality to self-manage (create, edit and remove) API keys that grant access to the Feedback API using three available scopes defined for the API:

- Reading reporting data

- Creating new queries

- Full administration



First-run welcome message added for Feedback Client, customizable with policy

To help communicate to the employees how to use Feedback Client to send both spontaneous feedback and to answer any IT-sent feedback queries, we have now added a short welcome message to the Feedback Client.

This message is shown the first time a new user account opens up the Client's home screen and can also be re-opened later on from the question -mark icon on the home screen:


The welcome screen's content, including the hyperlink to an Applixure-provided default employee onboarding help site, can also be customized with new branding policy settings through the Feedback's administration web interface or API. It can also be completely disabled/hidden through a policy.

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