Applixure release notes for 2024/H1

Following new features, enhancements, and significant changes have been introduced into Applixure products in this half of the ongoing year:


Applixure Analytics

Pending reboot status now shown for Windows Agent devices

Applixure Analytics Agent for Windows now detects if there are any known pending reboot operations on a device and the operating system has not yet been restarted. Need for the restart is reported in the individual device's screen, under Operating system -section:


Operations that require a restart won't fully take hold on a device until the operating system has been restarted and thus any device having this status for a longer period of time should be restarted to make sure correct operation of Windows and/or installed applications.


Linked Products in API data for Product Groups history

Product Group history data now includes list of associated Product IDs that were valid for a given Product Group on a specific date. This information is available in the history data beginning of 17th of June 2024.


Applixure Workflow

API usage is now available

Programmatic access to Workflow is now possible using Workflow's own API. New API makes it possible to perform all the same operations that are possible through Workflow Web UI, and a number of fine-grained scopes are available to limit what administration/configuration functions or whether the ability to read or modify Board data is available for the calling applications.

Access to Workflow API is based on the OAuth2 authentication and authorization flow using API keys that can be created at the account or board level.



New placeholder tags available for custom emails

Workflow board's custom emails now support four additional placeholder tags that could be used for email body, applicable for events when work item's asset composition changes :

{{NEW_ASSETS}} - For listing all new assets (devices) added to the work item, if there are any

{{NEW_ASSETS_COUNT}} - For total number of assets added to the work item

{{REMOVED_ASSETS}} - For listing all assets that were removed from the work item, if there are any

{{REMOVED_ASSETS_COUNT}} - For total number of assets that were removed from the work item


Applixure Feedback

Registered clients now sortable based on columns

The client registrations administration screen has been enhanced to allow sorting the list based on available columns (Hostname, Client version and Last contacted date). This enables faster discovery of Feedback Clients that have not been updated to the latest available version and Clients that have not been in contact with the service for a longer time.

Additionally, the registrations list is now paged to show only a set number of registrations per one screen and not the whole list of all Clients on one screen.


Copying software survey icon from existing survey now supported

When creating a new software survey by creating a copy of an existing survey, the associated software icon - if any specified - for original survey is now copied to the new survey as well. Previously, any software icons had to be manually re-added to a new survey again.


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