How do I remove devices from Applixure?

Automatic removal of Applixure Agents

By default, Applixure will remove any device that has had Applixure Agent installed and reporting to our cloud after the device has not been seen for 45 consecutive days. During automatic removal of the device, all software products (instances) reported from the device are also marked as being removed.

Before automatic removal, after 30 days has elapsed without Applixure Agent reporting in, Applixure Warning is shown in Environment about device not seen recently listing those devices.


Manual removal of Applixure Agent through UI

Sometimes you might want to remove certain devices that no longer exist in the environment at all or device from which Applixure Agent installation has been explicitly removed even before the automatic cleanup is done by the Applixure backend.


Removal of individual devices

You can remove individual Applixure Agents from the Agent's details screen on one-by-one basis:

  1. Navigate to the Devices view and select the device you want to remove from Applixure.

  2. Click on the Remove this device button.

  3. Confirm the removal of the device, here you will have two options:

    1. Removal of device without blocking it (blue button) - in this case the agent device is removed from the data but if the Applixure Agent on the device continues to communicate to the Applixure, it will automatically be reactivated in the data as well. Selecting this option is recommended in most cases.
    2. Removal of device and blocking it (red button) - in this case the agent device is removed from the data and additionally marked as being blocked from reporting data further, even if the Agent continues to communicate. You might want to choose this option in case the device in question is no longer in your control and you cannot physically uninstall Agent from it.


After removing the device, it is immediately removed from Applixure's list of actively monitored devices and all device-related data is removed from Applixure.


Removal of multiple devices

You can also remove multiple agents at once:

  1. Navigate to the Bulk operations page in Settings and scroll down to Remove multiple agent devices.

  2. Prepare a CSV (comma separated values) file that lists all the device names that you want to remove.

    The CSV file must contain one single device name per row. The device name must match the device name in Applixure (see the Devices list for a list of all monitored devices in your environment). See an example CSV at the bottom of this article.

    By default, removal of the agent device listed in the CSV file's line does not block it from communicating in the future. If you additionally want to block the device, add comma after the device name and true as value after the comma, like so:

    You can have both non-blocked and blocked devices listed in the same CSV file.

    Note that the CSV file must be saved in UTF8 format. If you export CSV file from Microsoft Excel (using Save As -functionality), note that Excel saves CSV files by default using system's local text encoding so you should use text editor such as Notepad++ in Windows or TextMate in macOS to change/re-save resulting CSV file in correct encoding.

  3. Once you have the CSV file, import it by clicking Upload removal listfile. If you are uploading a large list, processing might take a while.

  4. Review the list of devices that will be removed. Click Confirm removal to continue. The devices will be removed from Applixure.

After the removal has been processed, the devices are immediately removed from Applixure's list of actively monitored devices and all device-related data is removed from Applixure.

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