Applixure release notes for 2016-08-01

In this release, we brought to you the following new features, changes and enhancements to existing functionality:

  • Adjustments to the score calculation.

    For the past month, we have begun a process of adjusting Applixure service scoring to better reflect the results from various customer environments. While scores in general still continue to evolve in the future, as we add new aspects to base scores on, the process of calibrating the scores continues at the same time. As a result of work being done with scores for the past month, you may have noticed that some of the scores have generally gone up, especially scoring for the Use.

    As part of the work on adjusting the scoring, we have gone through many of the alert items Applixure generates, and made adjustments so that some devices or software are more rapidly dropped from the alerts if the issue is no longer acute (for certain class of issues, such as crashes etc. there is unfortunately no clear-cut time when system could with 100% certainty tell that issue is not happening anymore for device or software, but now historical perspective that system considers is shorter for some issues than it was before).

    We also hope to better document the scoring, and the effect that different alerts and warnings have on it, in the future.

  • Manual removal of devices is now possible.

    We have added a possibility for removing device manually, from the individual device's screen.

    The automatic process of when Applixure cleans a device from environment is still happening as before, which is to consider device no longer as active when it has not been in any contact / sent any data for 45 consecutive days. In addition to this, Applixure users can now manually purge or remove individual devices using the Remove this device -button if you know that the device is no longer reporting to Applixure.

    This has the same effect as automatic removal, which is to remove the device itself and "close" all detected software product instances from that device.

    Note however that if the device is actually still active, and has Applixure Agent installed, upon re-establishing contact with the Applixure service the device will automatically come back visible.

  • Devices dashboard updates.

    We have added new pie chart in the Devices dashboard, Device manufacturer, which shows all the different device manufacturer detected in the asset information for devices. This allows filtering and listing of devices based on the manufacturer name.

    We have also made Windows 10 -specific charts visible to all environments, even if there are no Windows 10 machines deployed yet. We also reworked Windows 10 releases chart to show each individual build version deployed.

  • Performance and Issues dashboard updates.

    In order to clarify both Performance & Issues Dashboard as well as Use dashboard, we have moved Device startup times and User logon times charts over to the P&I Dashboard.

    In addition to having current breakdown of device startup times and user logon times as pie chart, we have added new trend graph plotting the change of the average startup and logon times over time. This trend information allows you to see if things are (in general) suddenly getting worse or maybe improving from what it used to be.

    For device startup times, in addition to aggregated startup time of all device types, separate trend lines are provided for individual device types (workstations, laptops, tablets and VMs) as they can have significantly different startup time characteristics between each other.

  • Use dashboard updates.

    As part of the move of startup and logon time graph move out from the Use dashboard, we regrouped and clarified the titles for existing graphs in Use dashboard, as well as added new device utilization graphs (i.e. time percentage of time somebody has been logged on to the device). 

    Whole day device utilization information is the same that Devices dashboard grid coloring has been showing for individual devices, and the device daytime utilization has been shown in the individual device's screen, but now both information are also in graph form in Use dashboard.

  • Number of UI elements have been updated and clarified, and the general speed of the UI has been improved.

  • Fixes for found technical issues.


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