Applixure Agent Group Policy template

For configuring per computer -settings for Applixure Analytics Agents running on Windows operating system, we provide ready-made Active Directory Group Policy template in ADM (legacy) and ADMX formats.

Please see download of the templates as attachment to the end of this article.

This template provides configurable settings for the following policies:


Applixure Agent/Proxy settings

Configure explicit proxy settings for Applixure Agent communication.

If you enable this policy, you must configure proxy address to be used for communication. You can use proxy address (IP or DNS name), together with optional port number, delimited with : character (address:port).


Applixure Agent/Install Feedback Client

Enables or disables automatic installation and updating of Applixure Feedback Client on the same machine where Applixure Analytics Agent in installed via Agent itself.

If you enable this policy, Agent will automatically try to install and keep updated Applixure Feedback -product's Client on the same machine, and will automatically install necessary pre-requisite components for Feedback Client. You can use enabled policy state to selectively and automatically deploy Feedback Client to computers running with Applixure Agent.

If you disable this policy, Agent will not automatically install and update Feedback Client on the same machine even if installation is enabled as Applixure environment level policy. You can use disabled policy state to selectively exclude computers from automatically deploying Feedback Client through Applixure Agent if Applixure environment -level policy has been enabled.

Please note:

Applixure Feedback is a separately licensed product from Analytics and enabling this policy will not install Feedback Client unless the Applixure environment associated with Agent is licensed to use Applixure Feedback.


Applixure Agent/Restrictions/Disable personal data collection

Disables Personal Data data collection by Applixure Agent. 

If you enable this policy, Applixure Agent will not collect and transmit following Personal Data -related information from the computers:

  • Logon users' account names
  • Logon users' full names
  • Logon users' account picture (if any).


Applixure Agent/Restrictions/Disable self-update

Disables Applixure Agent self-update mechanism.

If you enable this policy, Applixure Agent will not self-update itself from the Applixure platform by itself, and the Agent updating must be explicitly handled by the customer by regularly downloading the updated Applixure Agent MSI installer packages, and distributing them to the computers using suitable software mass-deployment tool.

Please note:

As Applixure support only Agents running with the latest code and Applixure is designed to keep itself up-to-date, you should not enable this policy unless compelling compliance or security reasons requires you to do so! 


Applixure Agent/Automatic tagging/Read automatic tag from registry

Enables reading automatic tag value from elsewhere in the Agent device's registry.

If you enable this policy, Applixure tries to read referenced registry value as automatic tag value associated with the Agent in the reported data. You can refer to a separate article on automatic tagging for further configuration instructions for additional fields needed for this policy.


Applixure Agent/Automatic tagging/Define automatic tags

Enables defining up to 10 automatic tag values to be associated with Agent devices receiving this policy.

If you enable this policy, Applixure will use the supplied list of tag values directly as automatic tags for all Agents having the policy in effect. You can refer to a separate article on automatic tagging for further configuration instructions for additional fields needed for this policy.


Applixure Agent/Automatic tagging/Create automatic tags for OU

Enables creation of automatic tag values representing the Organizational Unit (OU) in which the Agent devices receiving this policy in located in.

If you enable this policy, Applixure will automatically detect the OU path the Agent device belongs to in the Active Directory, and create automatic tags based on it. You can refer to a separate article on automatic tagging for further configuration instructions for additional fields needed for this policy.


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