Applixure release notes for 2021/Q3

In this quarter, we have brought to you the following new features, changes and enhancements to existing functionality:

  • Support for Windows 11

    Upcoming Microsoft Windows 11 operating system is now fully recognized and supported by Applixure.

    In the main Devices dashboard, Windows 11 servicing channels and release versions are listed in the separate line from Windows 10's servicing and release information.

    Once Windows 11 is officially released (at the beginning of October 2021), Applixure will also be able to show if the build on the machine is at the latest security update state. As of currently released preview stage this information is not yet available.

  • Support for Windows Server 2022

    Applixure now fully supports recently released new version of the Windows Server's long-time servicing version, Windows Server 2022.

  • Improved support for Apple Silicon (ARM-based) Macs

    Applixure's Mac Agent has been updated to fully recognize Apple Silicon (M1) -based Mac's security readiness. This information was previously missing from Applixure as Apple has silently changed its API functionalities between Intel and Apple Silicon architecture.

    At the same time, the security chip status in the individual device's screen has been renamed from T2 support into more generic "Security chip is present"/"Security chip is not present" representation as new M1 and successor Apple Silicon chips implement security functionalities previously available through separate T2 chips on Intel architecture.

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